Trailer: Season 6 is Coming Soon!
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This is a podcast episode titled, Trailer: Season 6 is Coming Soon!. The summary for this episode is: <p>Rediscover the best podcast around for learning about Refinery Ventures' portfolio of companies and the work those organizations are doing. Host and Managing Partner at Refinery Ventures, Tim Knight, speaks with CEOs, founders, and experts about startups, technology, the future, and more. </p>
Speaker 1: Fast Frontiers is coming back soon for season six. We have more great guests lined up and I can't wait to share their stories with you. A special feature this fall will be extra content from inside refinery, episodes dedicated entirely to hearing from our refinery ventures, portfolio, CEOs and founders. We hope you had a great summer and we'll see you in September.
Rediscover the best podcast around for learning about Refinery Ventures' portfolio of companies and the work those organizations are doing. Host and Managing Partner at Refinery Ventures, Tim Knight, speaks with CEOs, founders, and experts about startups, technology, the future, and more.